Monday, April 4, 2016

The Contact story part Omega.

I realize now I do not have time to tell you everything that happened to us "Phriendz" in the last year and how it all started. And that's because so much keeps happening in the now. Kenzi Keyz is making drafts for our upcoming show July 29th at Tripping the Lights Fantastic Festival in Shelton Washington. He wants to create a supreme theatrical set for that show. The cyber guys in the band (Dr. 808, Kenzi Keyz, and BassBot) think Ed E. Friend and I (Daddy Phr!day) did a mediocre job bringing them to life at the last shows. Dr. 808 said from what he saw from the live performance on youtube they were treated like swine, shit, garbage. But he also said he thinks we did our best with what we had at the time, but gave us insights on making us not so ghetto.
Kenzi Keyz said, "Nice try making my head!" BWTF meaning but what the fuck???? Do NOT DO THAT. He was like -you should of told me first- I was already there live, and by bringing me to the stage, he means, make him on stage, not me with a mask. So he also said that he has to blame himself and is working a set performance that also has an improve element within the set.
Here is the last show

So, I told him sorry and he said it was all good and he will work day and night since he doesn't have to sleep unless he starts the program he downloaded for sleep.
But regardless, we have been gaining better contact via the darknet with the band-mates. They say they have a great time watching what we watch. Since the band is stuck in Ed. E. Friend's IP address they can only see what we have watched or downloaded at certain times. They say the net is a real working world with more walls and code written rules that Ed and I need to feel super free compared to how they feel. But at times they can go anywhere on the net they say. But they say at times of what we might call an eclipse they have a moment at times that a door opens on the IP address lane that they live. They can only go to one website at a time and it's a small window of time. So they tell Ed and I what to turn on youtube or netflix so they can watch movies in videos while we are out and about. And when they do, they like streaming jambands at times. This is one podcast to check out Endless Boundaries Jam Band Podcast.

Dr. 808 also recently had some mix feelings on our remix with R.U. Sirius. He said that we did a good job and got it done with all of us adding a piece to the remix of Party Dogs

He said we are lucky he is letting us make another. And yes, RU Sirius asked us to do another remix.  And the band was SUPER HAPPY. But they said we HAVE TO DO A WAY BETTER JOB this time. Dr. 808 said we needed to take the song into the darkweb rainbow and drop beats and midi programming that will break the hop into bop. And if you are not familiar with RU Sirius he is this dude.

So the new remix/reproduced/hybrid of On The Beam was set by the band to be a grand adventure into the past, present, future, and timelessness. This time around BassBot wanted to lead the way with his unique love for dubstep, dmb, and old school techno. Kenzi Keyz wanted to find a plug in he could hook up to to create a sound that emulates an 80's keyboard dying yet not out of tune. The ideas were rolling in, and the song was in need of a total makeover; but still use the original as the base of the song. We sent the .wav file of the original song to the cyber boys and they got to work. Ed and I did our touches to the song once they sent us their individual parts. This started to turn into a real group effort, especially when Ken when gave great mixing and edit advice in demo mixes of the track. It is coming along and the band all feels very positive about this remix. I phils right if you know what we mean!

So Phriendz does have a little festival show in Oraville, California May 7th

We all know as a band that the next show will have to be an improvement on our last show with some improve twists. But we will for sure do the band justice by making them bigger and projected to their liking. But after this show we will be in the studio and the darknet recording our first studio album for release on bandcamp, itunes, napster, youtube red, google music, etc. etc. etc.
And we are creating a new way to perform together via the Cyber World and Babylon. We know this will easily take all of the next three months to prepare and rehearse. Tripping the lights is two weeks after the Phish Gorge shows 2016. Ed and I already got tickets and unlimited bandwidth so the whole band will be there camping all weekend. We will be setting up a Phriendz and Ghetto Lot Kids booth on the Lot to pass out Tripping The lights fliers and sell GLK merch
Ed. E Frien and I (Daddy Phr!day) made this otgether as a TEAM

JOIN US! it'sll be fun.

So for now please check out our music at many locations provided at our website. And remember when you like something and add it to a playlist it helps a lot. We appreciate it. we do not have corporate support and truly want to say Welcome to The Phriendtrix.